
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Raspberry Pi @ForsythTechCC IEEE club

Last week the ForsythTech IEEE club got a Raspberry Pi. Glad to see it being put to good use, Carroll Perkins just sent me the following:

"This Thursday, Sept 26th, at 3PM in Hauser 332, the ForsythTech IEEE Students meeting is a demo by Bobby Garriott of the Raspberry Pi computer hook up.  LCD screen, keyboard and mouse hook ups will be demonstrated.

The Raspberry Pi is a $35 computer board.  Ideal for embedded applications of all types including robotics, CNC and 3D printer applications. "

Friday, September 20, 2013

RPi MOOC en espanol



El 14 de octubre 2013.


Indican en la pagina que van a abarcar todo eso:

  • Instalación, Configuración, Accesorios y demás aspectos a considerar
  • Demos de instalación Wheezy y otras distribuciones
  • Introducción a Python
  • Introducción a la programación en Python para Raspberry Pi
  • Ejemplo completo Python
  • Modulo GPIO del Raspberry Pi para conexiones externas
  • Elementos básicos de hardware y como controlarlos con el GPIO
  • Próximos Pasos: Proyectos y Comunidad

Me parece muy genial. Es algo similar a los taller PyHack que hacemos en Carolina del Norte, pero en la red.


Monday, September 16, 2013

The lost art of digital entomology


I had forgotten to push the slides and code to bitbucket. This is from my PYPTUG talk from june. You can get the files here:


Monday, September 9, 2013

@surgeterrix to XOR or not to XOR

By way of twitter

Taking 2 strings of hexadecimal characters, converting hex to binary values, then xorsum the 2 values, and convert sum back to hex.

The other XOR

So the normal xor will not work on strings, so what do you do?

from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify  
from Crypto.Cipher import XOR  
# you can encounter hex strings with no spaces  
encrypted = '556e6e216c606f78217264627364757216'  
# or hex strings with spaces  
key = '01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01'  
#let's get binary representations  
b_encrypted = unhexlify(encrypted)  
b_key = unhexlify(key.replace(' ','')) # we remove the spaces  
#to see a binary string output, use repr: print(repr(b_key))  
cosmo =  
bishop = cosmo.encrypt(b_encrypted) # yeah, encrypt to decrypt  
print hexlify(bishop)  
# the above is what was asked  
# the plain ascii decrypted message is print(bishop)  

I think the (not really) hidden references are pretty obvious...However, even in the decrypted message, there is still a question left... :)


A FISH named Blackbox


Saw an Oracle TV spot during coverage of the America's cup. They emphasize hardware and software working together, data gathering and even some wearable computing. So, that's what my TV spot would be if I had their budget?


Also known as Fully Integrated Software and Hardware. So, for the past few years I've been working a tight integration of software, hardware and wearable computing. For metrics, data logging, and stuff like that. And it is finally ready to market. I've never posted about my company and my work on my blog before, but I had to share this.

The Blackbox

This latest revision of the Blackbox is running Linux, and all the major software has been written in Python. In its most basic form, it can be used as a digital signage, and yet can be used to do really cool stuff, like proximity sensing and machine area networking. Walk up to a piece of equipment, any piece of equipment, and you get to see realtime metrics on your tablet, for that machine. And wearable computing.

Unveiling the FISH

So I will be unveiling this at the Triad business innovation expo in Winston Salem, NC


Date(s) - Thursday, September 12, 2013
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Benton Convention Center
301 W. 5th Street
Winston-Salem, NC

So if you want to check it out, I'll be at Dion Research's booth (431) demoing the FISH solution. And did I say wearable computing, just like in the TV spot? I cant say more than this, I'll do live tweeting and unveiling on Thursday.
