

I'm adding a page to make it easier to learn about Python and the Raspberry Pi, by navigating the blog in a guided way.

If there is a specific area or subject you'd like to see here, please leave a comment!

Starting out with Python

Tutorial #01 in english (the original in french)

Pending english translation (work in progress):
Tutoriel #02
Tutoriel #02 - extra


Text editor for the command line - ( Editor de codigo en modo texto en espanol)
Interactive vim tutorial
Pending english translation (work in progress):
Editor de codigo en modo grafico

The Shell

new section, content in draft at the moment

A little bit of math

Printing numbers
Speaking numbers
Visualizing numbers
On fractals

Workshop Prelims

Mercurial source repository
Mercurial source update
Mercurial for windows
Faking the GPIO (for laptops) (Francais)
RPi.GPIO alternative: wiringpi


Making your own GPIO cable (English - Francais ( - Portugues)

RPi.GPIO experiments with LEDs and Morse code

Deadman's switch: how to build a simple failsafe device


PyHack #01: PiQuizmachine

The PiQuizmachine

PyHack #02: Get your motor runin'

The 2 bit H bridge
The H bridge breadboard layout
NEW: Stepper motors
NEW: Pi-A-Sketch 
NEW: Pi-A-Sketch code review

PyHack #03: ICU

ICU (coming soon)

Python in the browser

Introduction (English - Espanol - Francais )
List comprehension and code alignment
 Geolocation with Brython
Print and win.print
Clavier et accents (french only, keyboard input on the web)
Brython trouve son code sur le serveur (french only)
Tener clase (spanish only, using classes in brython)
Fritzing with Brython (SVG)

iPhone App with Python ( English - Francais )

NEW section:

High Altitude Balloon

The earth at 80,000ft, from NSC-01

Background info: Team Near Space Circus
Building a payload - Part 1 (container, power, cameras)
All you ever wanted to know about serial ports - networking multiple Raspberry Pi (payload part 2)


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